This was our staycation week, so on top of our little mans birthday last week ( he is now the proud owner of a playmobil castle, which took me two hours to build!) we have been very busy.

We went to Rye in the rain, Rye is wonderful and in parts untouched by modern buildings. Below is Mermaid Street, it's beautiful, with cobbled street and timber framed houses, and the houses have great names too. The picture at the top is The House Opposite, there was also The house with two front doors, and The house with the seat!

We also went on The Swallow for a boat trip round Bewl water.

We had planned to go on the Kent and East Sussex railway, until the little man said he fancied going on an electric train, so we went on the Medway valley line to Strood and walked over to Rochester Castle.

That's Rochester cathedral from the castle.

What was to be the highlight of our week, was Wings and Wheels at Dunsfield. We went for one reason and that we to see The Vulcan, we had watched with concern, the week coming up to the show because the Vulcan was being repaired, but on the day it was fit to fly.

We kept up to date watching the twitter feed, she in the air we cheered, the ear defenders where on, they gave us the 4 minute warning, and then it was all cancelled. I can't tell you how disappointed we where. We'll get you next year Vulcan.
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