I love the laid work because its so pretty, and you can decorate within the lattice work however you wish. Looking at this makes me want to do some more crewel, but no I must finish the sea picture first, and anyway I really want to revisit as many techniques as time allows. I really want to do Blackwork again, and more silk shading, and top of the list this week is Stumpwork. So little time so many ideas!!!
Wow, your embroidery is so gorgeous and detailed! Amazing!
Oooh, stumpwork coming up! Can't wait, I love raised work!=)
Don't forget to get the Fine Embroidery webring code up on your blog, then I can get your membership fully approved. It won't let me until the code is showing.=) Let me know also if you've changed your mind.
You'll have been given the Ringsurf code when you first applied to join the ring. Did you copy it then? If not, it might be best to join up again (making sure you get the code OK) and I can delete the first application.=)
Yup, love 'Swallows and Amazons'. I still have all the books, plus the 3 that were made into film/TV versions.=)
Just like you, I love crewel, but have not done all that much so far.
Working on a brazilian embroidery project now. Not done much of that either.
There are just so many wonderful techniques out there and so little time to try them out and perfect them.
Your work is wonderful. Can't wait to see what else you have already done and what will be coming up.
Pierrette =^..^=
Your work is just toooo lovely. Like you I need a 48 hour day, so much to try and do, so little time LOL! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Best wishes
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