Look what's arrived! Yes it's the canvas 22 count from http://www.willowfabrics.com. I had a little wobble after I ordered it, did I get the right size, Is it to fine, I should have got 18 count. But no, it's just perfect, and now it's here I'm very excited. By the way it came very quickly and is a very, very good price, half a metre of canvas and some tapestry needles all for under £7. ;-)

So I rushed out to the office, (in the garden) dragging 3 kids with me ( Fred's teacher was striking ) and printed out the flower picture, then enlarged it to try and get the size I want. I'm not to sure about size yet, I have to watch myself as I know that the larger I go the more detail I can get in, but I do want to finish it without bankrupting myself buying stranded cotton!!!

I've found my old Anchor shade chart and had a little look at colour.

Also had a look at the cottons I have already, just look at all the lovely colour, I ended up taking loads of pictures and had to be very disciplined with myself and not publish the lot, but you have to agree they are yummy.

Looks like there are some colours I can use, just have to make sure I have enough.

The next stage before the real fun starts is to do a black and White and coloured pencil drawing so I can work out on paper how all the shading and colours will work. I won't be able to get all the detail in, and will have to change some details a little so it works on canvas. I'm looking forward to starting that, love a bit of colouring in!!!

I have had to have a little rest with the crocheting over the last couple of days, as I seem to have a crochet related finger stain. What do we do instead, why we sand down and paint the picnic table of course. We where inspired by our trip to Chartwell, where they had lots of pale duck egg blue painted garden furniture, we have not gone quite as pale, but love the new look.

Next job in the garden at this time of year is the vine, the photo below is about a third of it, and it needs the be carefully cut back, having all but one grape bunch from each branch cut off, and each branch cut to one or two leaves beyond the bunch of grapes you keep.

Look little baby grapes, we took five buckets of grape off one year, even after it had been thinned.

One thing that always synonymous with good weather around these parts are hot air balloons, this one came over yesterday, and yes it really is that low.

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