Hello, long time no blog!!! I have been busy, but not with embroidery, I've been working on a cross stitch piece that i have had for over 8 years, maybe longer. I will take a picture and post it soon, i have not done much cross stitch, but i think that this kit has to be the most unnecessarily complicated kit going!!! Not one colour is used on its own all of them are mixed, is this normal?
The picture above is my group 1 rear facing car seat, with my three year old, and has nothing to do with embroidery!!!
I have just started knitting a cardigan for my daughter, its very cute but has bobbles on it and i have never yet knitted a bobble i am happy with. How do you get them round and neat??????

The house above was our holiday cottage( holiday being another reason why there has been no more new embroidery) Its in Great Snoring North Norfolk, and we had a great time, manage to book the only good weather week this year!!!
Hope to go to Knitting and Stitches show this year and get lots of inspiration, and stunning new threads.